fastv report
Created by fastv v0.9.0, an ultra-fast tool for fast identification of SARS-CoV-2 and other microbes from sequencing data
Detection result for target k-mer file:POSITIVE
Mean depth of k-mer coverage:429.000000
Threshold to be positive:0.100000
Order by: Coverage rate | Bases on target
sequencing:paired end (151 cycles + 151 cycles)
mean length before filtering:150bp, 150bp
duplication rate:2.917938%
Insert size peak:141
Original data
total reads:1.353388 M
total bases:203.832203 M
Q20 bases:190.257897 M (93.340451%)
Q30 bases:187.723121 M (92.096891%)
GC content:43.458390%
Clean data used for detection
total reads:1.331880 M
total bases:184.606609 M
Q20 bases:173.640725 M (94.059864%)
Q30 bases:171.743059 M (93.031913%)
GC content:42.935807%
Filtering result
reads passed filters:1.331880 M (98.410803%)
reads with low quality:21.508000 K (1.589197%)
reads with too many N:0 (0.000000%)
reads too short:0 (0.000000%)