fastv report
Created by fastv v0.10.0, an ultra-fast tool for fast identification of SARS-CoV-2 and other microbes from sequencing data
GenomeK-mer hitsUnique readsCoverageMedian depthMean depthRemark
No high confidence k-mer coverage found.
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sequencing:single end (50 cycles)
mean length before filtering:50bp
mean length after filtering:50bp
duplication rate:0.955177% (may be overestimated since this is SE data)
Original data
total reads:27.904207 M
total bases:1.395210 G
Q20 bases:1.352291 G (96.923788%)
Q30 bases:1.214635 G (87.057501%)
GC content:41.306440%
Clean data used for detection
total reads:27.865351 M
total bases:1.393268 G
Q20 bases:1.350941 G (96.962092%)
Q30 bases:1.213582 G (87.103298%)
GC content:41.314800%
Filtering result
reads passed filters:27.865351 M (99.860752%)
reads with low quality:7.500000 K (0.026878%)
reads with too many N:31.356000 K (0.112370%)
reads too short:0 (0.000000%)