fastv report
Created by fastv v0.9.0, an ultra-fast tool for fast identification of SARS-CoV-2 and other microbes from sequencing data
GenomeK-mer hitsCoverageMedian depthMean depthRemark
Neuraminidase type: N2 | from: gb:MK943763:20-1429|Organism:Influenza A virus (113 k-mer keys)2722836100%2031524095.9
Hemagglutinin type: H3 | from: gb:MK943761:30-1730|Organism:Influenza A virus (262 k-mer keys)5193660100%1698919823.1
+ Show 107 more with low confidence (coverage <= 90% or median depth <= 5) ▼
sequencing:single end (369 cycles)
mean length before filtering:133bp
mean length after filtering:133bp
duplication rate:15.569815% (may be overestimated since this is SE data)
Original data
total reads:3.779099 M
total bases:505.336782 M
Q20 bases:426.922579 M (84.482783%)
Q30 bases:19.729449 M (3.904218%)
GC content:45.217689%
Clean data used for detection
total reads:3.772690 M
total bases:505.000006 M
Q20 bases:426.819684 M (84.518748%)
Q30 bases:19.728823 M (3.906698%)
GC content:45.218220%
Filtering result
reads passed filters:3.772690 M (99.830409%)
reads with low quality:6.409000 K (0.169591%)
reads with too many N:0 (0.000000%)
reads too short:0 (0.000000%)